Fabasoft once again awarded the highest certification level by the EuroCloud StarAudit

Fabasoft is the only company to have received this great distinction from the auditors of EuroCloud since the 5-star certification was introduced in the year 2015.
“With this latest 5-star audit certification Fabasoft continues to demonstrate how to operate the highest level of cloud quality and compliance,” confirms Tobias Höllwarth, president of the pan-European association EuroCloud Europe. “It is high time well-known cloud service providers followed this example. And even more important: Austrian cloud service customers are beginning to ask explicitly for such certification.”
During its qualitative assessment of a cloud ecosystem, the EuroCloud certificate takes the quality standards along the entire supply chain into consideration. In recent years, the security aspects of the catalogue of criteria have been continuously tightened and brought in line in particular with the requirements of the EU GDPR.
“Cloud providers certified in compliance with the EuroCloud StarAudit offer customers the greatest possible security for all their cloud services and the entire operator infrastructure,” says Andreas Dangl, Managing Director of Fabasoft Austria GmbH. “We are thrilled with this latest top ranking awarded by EuroCloud for our consistent high performance with regard to data protection and data security”.
About Fabasoft
Fabasoft is one of the leading software product companies and cloud service providers for the digital control of documents as well as electronic document, process and records management in Europe. Numerous well-known private enterprises and public-sector organisations have trusted in the quality and experience of Fabasoft for over three decades. Fabasoft products help digitalise, accelerate, simplify and boost the quality of business processes. They include the capture, structuring, team and process-oriented provision, handling and processing, secure storage and context-sensitive finding of all business documents. www.fabasoft.com
About EuroCloud
EuroCloud (ECE) is an independent non-profit organisation. Its goal is to promote acceptance of cloud services on the market, to support provision of customer-oriented services and facilitate their growth. ECE offers a certification scheme to establish trust in cloud services on both the customer and the user side. The purpose of the certification and auditing of cloud services is to create a trustworthy quality assessment of cloud services. The audit comprises a non-negotiable mandatory bandwidth of all important areas of a cloud service, including provider profile, contract and compliance aspects including the protection of personal data in compliance local law, security, operations, environment and technical infrastructure, processes, relevant parts of the application and implementation and on through to interoperability and data portability. EuroCloud Europe evaluates cloud services in compliance with a well-defined and published catalogue of criteria. The results of the audit indicate the respective service level. Service providers with the EuroCloud Europe seal of quality can document that they meet all relevant criteria. International accredited audit companies carry out the certification, which is then confirmed by EuroCloud Europe based on thorough auditing procedures. www.eurocloud.org