The Embassy is a main point of contact for Cloud Service Providers (CSP) and Customers (CSC) interested in StarAudit services as well as accredited StarAudit partners.
An StarAudit-AEB is granted the right to:
- Promote the StarAudit in its country or region.
- Use the AEB Logo on printed documents and as well as on its website for marketing purposes and for competitive advantages in its business.
- Use the some of the StarAudit online assessment services at a reduced price.
- Nominate individuals to become accredited as Ambassadors, Consultants, Trainers or Auditors.
- Ambassadors who are associated to the AEB receive a full exemption from the StarAudit test-fees.
- Nominate organisations to become accredited as a Consulting-, Training- or Auditing Organisation and therefore receive a referral-fee.
- Nominate one person to represent the AEB on the StarAudit Advisory Board. This board will advise StarAudit in the further development of the StarAudit.
- Offer training courses for companies that want to perform StarAudit Self-Assessment or want to achieve the StarAudit.
- The AEB gets the right to add content to the StarAudit-web to publish important, StarAudit related local news. E.g. about training possibilities, new accredited StarAudit-ACs or new StarAudit assignments.
- Offer and sell online trainings at the StarAudit-Academy.