A Chapter has to prove a strong interest in the development of the cloud market, show a balanced and neutral approach to provider and user interest, be an active, healthy organisation with good reputation, have a powerful management structure capable to develop the local Staraudit ecosystem and to handle organisational, contractual and legal challenges, the capacity to provide the Staraudit localisation, provide a strong network to all stakeholders, have a high reputation in delivering quality assurance and have a well established relationship with government organisations, politics and standardisation bodies.
An Staraudit-ACH is granted the right to:
- Act as a fully authorised representative of an Staraudit office in a country
- Promote the Staraudit in English and in the additional languages.
- Recruit Staraudit-Partners, facilitate, monitor and audit their respective operations.
- Translate the Staraudit into named languages and possess the right to interpret and maintain Staraudit in the language versions.
- Possess the right of providing the official language versions of Staraudit training courseware.
- Offer training courses for companies that want to perform Staraudit Self-Assessment or want to achieve the Staraudit. Remark: This training can only be performed by people who are accredited as AT or AC.
- Offer and sell online training at the Staraudit-Academy in the languages. This has to be performed through the online service Staraudit-Academy. The training may be sold through online shops.
- Support local Staraudit partners regarding appropriate and fair fees involved in Staraudit certification, training, and consulting based on the market situation.
- Claim and invoice the annual Staraudit membership fees and certification charges to the local Staraudit-Partners in order to cover the cost and expenditure of the ACH, whilst, providing translation, facilitation, administration, and audit services to the market places on behalf of StarAudit