An StarAudit-ACO is granted the right to:
- Act as a StarAudit Accredited Consulting Organisation (ACO)
- Offer StarAudit related consulting for companies that want to perform an StarAudit Self-Assessment.
- Offer StarAudit related consulting assignments for companies that want to achieve the StarAudit certification.
- Use the StarAudit online assessment services at a reduced price.
- Nominate an unlimited number of individuals to become accredited as Consultants (AC). They have to be associated/employed by the organisation named in this contract (but not other organisations or subsidiaries, parent organisations, branch offices or any other organisation).
- Consultants with an active and valid accreditation who are associated to the ACO receive a full exemption from the StarAudit annual membership fee.
- Be accredited additionally as a Training organisation (ATO) at a reduced annual membership fee of 50%.
- Nominate organisations to become accredited as Consulting-, Training- or Auditing Organisations (ACO, ATO, and AAO) and therefore receive a referral-fee.
- Nominate one person to represent the ACO on the StarAudit Advisory Board. This board will advise StarAudit in the further development of the StarAudit.
- Offer StarAudit related training courses (also in local language) for consultants to become AC (trainings has to be carried out by an senior Consultant)